German IBDP B HL + SL

First a practical note:
My courses are all conducted via Google Classroom/Google Meet or Zoom.
1st exam (Paper 1)
For the 1st exam (Paper 1) you are expected to write a German text. In my course we will work on different types of text and use exercises to enable you to master the different types. You will get to know and apply the most important features of the most diverse types of text. Examples of the types of texts that are covered are: a diary entry, a formal letter, a professional blog, a leaflet or poster, an interview, a newspaper article, etc.
2nd exam (Paper 2)
Understanding a read text or understanding spoken language is fundamental to mastering a
language. The 2nd exam (Paper 2) requires exactly these two skills from you. We will prepare you
for this in our lessons: Three reading texts, on which you have to answer questions, and three audio
recordings, on which you have to answer questions, will be the subject of this exam.
Oral individual examination/IA
LS (HL):
At the beginning of the course I will introduce two literary works to you that you will read and with which you will study thoroughly. LS (HL)
Examinees are expected to give an oral interpretation of a passage of around 300 words from one of the two literary works dealt with in class. This is followed by an approximately 5-minute interview with the examiner, who will ask you questions about your presentation and give you the opportunity to elaborate on certain explanations. In a further discussion, you will then demonstrate your knowledge of the five IB topics covered in class.
GS (SL) examinees are expected to provide a picture description on one of the IB topics and a further discussion on the five topics dealt with in the lesson. After your presentation, there will be an approximately 5-minute interview with the examiner, who will ask you questions about your presentation and give you the opportunity to elaborate on certain explanations. In a further discussion, you will then demonstrate your knowledge of the five IB topics covered in class. Duration of the exam for LS (SL) and GS (HL) students: You have 20 minutes of preparation time, in which you can compile a maximum of 10 key points (no complete sentences). You may use this bullet point in your approximately 4-minute presentation. The entire oral individual exam lasts about 15 minutes.
HL and SL students must purchase the IB course and workbook through Amazon .
I provide all the exercises and teaching material as well as the past papers, so that we can work on the exam material in a very practical way so that you are optimally prepared for the degree.
For a more concentrated working approach I offer individual lessons (1:1). I dedicate myself to a student and am available for all questions. We get to know each other very well, and I will assess your level of performance, develop and expand your strengths, but also recognize your possible weaknesses early on and convert them into strengths with you.
I teach groups of only SL students, only HL students or a mixed class. We make sure that we all use the same literary works.
Who are my German IBDP B HL+SL courses suitable for?
• For all students who are interested in the IBDP B course and are studying in a school that does not offer this course. I will accompany you over the 2 years and prepare you for all exams/papers. If you live in the Middle East, I can personally come to your school and do the oral exam 1:1.
• For all students who are studying in a school offering the IBDP B course but need help with practice and homework.
• For all students who want to do a crash course in order to prepare for a specific exam (paper) or a mock exam or who want to practice for the individual oral exam.