German IBDP A Language and Literature HL & SL en

First a practical note:

My courses are all conducted via Google Classroom/Google Meet or Zoom.

1st exam (Paper 1)

For the 1st exam (Paper 1), you will analyze two unknown non-literary texts (one non-literary text
for GS) in the form of 2 different text types dealt with in class. A predefined guiding question may
be used in your analysis. In our lessons you will get to know the characteristics of the most diverse non-literary text types and expand your knowledge of vocabulary, style, and terminology. We work through the content as well as the form of the text and learn how closely they are intertwined. In doing so, we will learn to recognize, understand and classify typical characteristics of certain epochs as well as stylistic
peculiarities of the authors. You will learn to create a structured writing plan on which you will
focus your analysis. Examples of non-literary text types are: advertisements, a blog, a film, music videos, a screenplay, a cartoon, graphic novel, etc.


20 P.
1 hour 15 minutes
40 P.
2 hours 15 minutes



2nd exam (Paper 2)

For the 2nd exam you will write a comparative essay on two literary works of your choice. These two works are of course the subject of our lessons, so that we can prepare for your task together. You will choose one of four general questions and base your comparative essay on it. A strong connection to this question must be maintained as you interpret, analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences of the two works, one at a time.

30 P.
1 hours 45 minutes
30 P.
1 hours 45 minutes


Oral individual exams (IA)

Learning the subject matter and being able to retrieve it is one of the aims of these lessons. In the oral exam, a prepared oral presentation, you are expected to take the next step. The linking of what has been learned and, as a form of synthesis, a reference to a current global topic (“global issue”). In the individual oral examination you will be expected to compare a global topic with a literary work dealt with in class and a non-literary work as a whole. You have 10 minutes to discuss both works, the literary and the non-literary complete works, from the point of view of a global topic. This is followed by a 5-minute interview with the examiner, who will ask you questions about the presentation and give you the opportunity to elaborate on certain explanations.

40 P.
15 minutes
40 P.
15 minutes

LS Technical Paper (HL Essay)

Writing a technical essay requires a high degree of understanding of the subject matter, command of the language and an advanced argumentative method. LS students will write their LS paper during the course, which will be between 1200 and 1500 words. You will develop a self-chosen question about a literary work or complete work that you have dealt with in class and examine the work with regard to this question. The maximum number of points for the LS essay is 20 P. For your LS essay, you can choose a literary or non-literary text, formulate a problem yourself, and present this problem using analysis and interpretation. Of course, we will practice this structural approach extensively in class beforehand in order to give you the necessary security to write the essay independently.


LS (HL): At the beginning of the course we will create a list of books together, as during the course we will deal intensively with at least six of these works.

GS (SL): At the beginning of the course we will create a list of books together, as during the course we will deal intensively with at least four of these works.
I deliver all the exercises and teaching material as well as the past papers, so that we can work on the exam material in a practical way, so that you are optimally prepared for the degree.


The classes for the German IBDP A Language and Literature are intensive. For a more concentrated working approach I offer individual lessons (1:1). I dedicate myself to a student and am available for all questions. We get to know each other very well, and I will assess your level of performance, develop and expand your strengths, but also recognize your possible weaknesses early on and convert them into strengths with you.


I teach groups of only GS (SL) students, only LS (HL) students or a mixed class of GS (SL) and LS (HL) students. We make sure that we use the book list that your school prescribes or that of my course.

Who are my German IBDP A Language and Literature HL+SL courses suitable for?

• For all students who are interested in the IBDP A German Language and Literature course and are studying in a school that does not offer this course. I will accompany you over the two years and prepare you for all exams/papers. If you live in the Middle East, I can personally come to your school and do the oral exam 1:1.
• For all students who are studying in a school offering the IBDP A German Language and Literature course but need help with practice and homework.
• For all students who want to do a crash course in order to prepare for a specific paper or a mock exam, who want to practice for the individual oral exam or who need help writing the HL essay.

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